My M.Sc. and Doctoral theses dealt with design, fabrication and characterization of various types of semiconductor lasers (SLs). We developed polarization-stable and single-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers for atomic clock applications during my master thesis. During my doctoral research, we developed novel high-power and high-brightness edge-emitting SLs. We had successfully realized two different types of lasers, namely PBC (PBC: photonic band crystal) and HiBBEE (HiBBEE: high-brightness vertical broad-area edge-emitting) lasers.
From 2018 to 2021, I worked as a R&D engineer at TRUMPF Laser GmbH, and a postdoctoral researcher at Ferdinand-Braun-Institute gGmbH, Germany, where I developed high performance semiconductor diode lasers and kW-class laser bars. These kW-class lasers are in high demand for many advanced applications, e.g. material processing, medicine etc. Before joining TRUMPF in 2018, I was also employed as a senior semiconductor engineer at VI Systems GmbH and a guest scientist at PBC lasers GmbH, Germany.
Currently, I am serving as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IICT) at BUET. I have also been appointed an Associated Editor of IEEE Photonics Journal in 2022. I authored/co-authored more than 25 peer-reviewd Journals and Conference proceedings. My research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning algorithms, image processing, computer vision, semiconductor lasers.